
Hi there! My name is Jonathan Romig and I am the pastor of Cornerstone Congregational Church in Westford, MA. In 2013 I graduated from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary with an M.Div and Immanuel Church in Chelmsford called me to be their Associate Pastor. Not long after this Immanuel asked me to help plant a new church in Westford, the neighboring town. We launched in 2015 and have been going ever since. I am currently working on my Doctorate of Ministry (D.Min) and have launched YouTube channel with Monica Romig.

I ventured into the world of Christian blogging in the spring of 2010 as a way to gain publicity for a Christian inspirational book I wrote. Although that book never made it to publication, I made a blog, then changed that blog into a new blog, and then tried again. Currently, I'm up to two blogs and one vlog: 
  • Jonathan Romig Blog - Articles, sermons, teachings, blogs, vlogs, political discipleship, and more

Thanks for checking out my sites! Sometimes I make a little bit of money through advertising. See the disclosure hereIf you would like to contact me, please reach out via Facebook or Instagram.

In Christ – Jonathan Romig


  1. I am also Pastor Romig, the Rev. John Romig out of Canal Winchester, Ohio. Perhaps we are related from long, long ago. God's peace!

    1. Wohoo! Glad to hear we have some more Romigs out there! God bless!

  2. Jonathan,
    I just read your blogpost over at The bottom bio piqued my interest as it stated you had just taught a Sunday School class on the New City Catechism. I like the NCC and have been wondering how I could incorporate it in our student Sunday School class (I am a Student Ministries pastor). If you could pass along any tips on how it went and the structure you utilized during the SS time, and any suggestions for doing so that would be great. Thanks,
    Kenny Kirby (

    1. Hi Kenny, thanks for dropping by. I just emailed you several of my slide decks. I hope they don't end up in your junk mail. Enjoy.

  3. Hi Jonathan! My name is Monica Romig Green. (Romig is my maiden name; Green, my husband's). No doubt we're related! I discovered a video online of your wife Monica Romig giving an evangelistic message in France and it made me laugh with delight! I have a master's from Biola University (where I met my husband), and am a Christian speaker, retreat leader, and spiritual director. I thought I'd reach out to connect. Blessings to you and your wife as you invite others into the Kingdom of God!

  4. Hi Monica, I love your name! We also met at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Great story! Like you, my wife loves to teach and disciple. This is fantastic. God bless you in your ministry!


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