Friday, June 1, 2012

Alis Aquilae

Feathers scattered across crimson cobble
Love’s wings shattered this petrified heart
I am who I am, Infallible

My soul desires but unholy angel hands tear apart
Sirens sing; their evil-love songs impart
Do I desire silver and gold and platinum, or a Pearl?

Shall I bear brassart
And fend off every touch as a merl?
Hope enter; Sunrise unfurl

2007 Anthology of CO Poets

Photo by: .I Travel East.


  1. Love it man!
    "I am who I am" Best of Best.
    .-= King Sidharth´s last blog ..Why ‘King’ Sidharth – the Secret Behind ‘King’ =-.

  2. Dude. I want to see some poetry on your site.
    .-= Jonathan Romig´s last blog ..Alis Aquilae =-.


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